Damien Dosimont bio photo

Damien Dosimont

Researcher at BSC

Email LinkedIn Github

Original binary format

Problem: Record-based versus Stream I/O. See here

New binary format:

Version 1:

Magic number (signed int 32 bits):        27093
--Alignment (signed int 32 bits):         0
Format (char* 64 bits):                   MPOALYA
Version (char* 64 bits):                  V000001
Object (char* 64 bits):                   LNODS00/LTYPE00/LNODS00
Type int/real (char* 64 bits):            INTEGER/REAL000
Size (char* 64 bits):                     4BYTES0/8BYTES0
Sorting (char* 64 bits):                  ASCENDI/DESCEND/NONE000
Id (char* 64 bits):                       YES0000/NO00000
--Alignment (char* 64 bits):              0000000
Lines (signed int 32 bits):               nlines
Columns (signed int 32 bits):             ncolumns (id not counted)
Total: 32*2+64*8+32*2 = 640 bits = 80 bytes

(id:1)      i_1_1       i_1_2       ...               i_1_ncolumns
(id:2)      i_2_1       i_2_2       ...               i_2_ncolumns
(id:nlines) i_nlines_1  i_nlines_2  ...               i_nlines_ncolumns

Version 2:

Magic number (signed int 32 bits):        27093
--Alignment (signed int 32 bits):         0
Format (char* 64 bits):                   MPIAL00 
Version (char* 64 bits):                  V000200
Object (char* 64 bits):                   COORD00/LTYPE00/LNODS00/LTYPB00...
Dimension (char* 64 bits)                 SCALA00/VECTOR0
Results on (char* 64 bits)                NELEM00/NPOIN00/NBOUN00
Type int/real (char* 64 bits):            INTEG00/REAL000
Size (char* 64 bits):                     4BYTE00/8BYTE00
Seq/Parallel (char* 64 bits)              SEQUE00/PARAL00
Filter or no filter (char* 64 bits)       FILTE00/NOFIL00
Sorting (char* 64 bits):                  ASCEN00/DESCE00/NONE000
Id (char* 64 bits):                       ID00000/NOID000
--Alignment (char* 64 bits):              0000000
Columns (signed int 32 bits):             ncolumns (id not counted)
Lines (signed int 32 bits):               nlines (0=PARALLEL)
Time step number (signed int 32 bits):    ittim
Number of subdomains (signed int 32 bits):nsubd (1=SEQUENTIAL)
Time (real 64 bits):                      time
--Alignment (char* 64 bits):              0000000
Option 1 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION1 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 2 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION2 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 3 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION3 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 4 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION4 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 5 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION5 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 6 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION6 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 7 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION7 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Option 8 (char* 64 bits):                 OPTION8 (each option is a 7+1 character, interpreted freely by the parser)
Total: 32*2+64*12+32*4+64+64+10*64 = 1728 bits = 216 bytes

(id:1)      i_1_1       i_1_2       ...               i_1_ncolumns
(id:2)      i_2_1       i_2_2       ...               i_2_ncolumns
(id:nlines) i_nlines_1  i_nlines_2  ...               i_nlines_ncolumns